Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meaning in Matzah

2009 is just full of firsts: last night, Dan and I hosted an inaugural sedar. A small sedar, but a sedar nonetheless, complete with horse radish, haroset (the delicious apple and nut concoction), matzah, and all the other traditional Passover delicacies. We passed over the standard brisket in favor of chile-rubbed salmon fillet topped with an avocado pineapple salsa. My parents came over, bringing the ever popular matzah ball soup, some wine, and chocolates for dessert. It was a small, cozy sedar honoring the importance of freedom and liberation, and as we read the prayer book, one line stayed with me. "Every generation must find freedom for itself." I am sure this line can be interpreted several ways, but on the eve of my wedding (I'm speaking figuratively's not literally tomorrow), I was thinking that every person must carve his or her own path as they grow up. They should have the freedom to choose their job, their home, their hobbies, their friends, and their life partners. The choices aren't always easy, and like the leavened bread we forego for eight days, they come with certain sacrifices. But in the end, these choices help define who were are.


pam said...

I love this one and wish we had been there to share your sedar. You see you have started yours and Daniels own tradition. It is not the type of food you serve that is so important it is the event itself that is the tradition. My father always told me what I put in my mouth is no where near as important than what comes out of my mouth.
lots of love

Daniel said...

Approaching 3 million hits. You need to keep posting or your fans will be disappointed.

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