Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hair, Schmair

I am one of those people who wants to have nice hair. I will go out, spend money on highlights, stylish dos, and trendy creams only to tie it up in a messy bun half-way through the day. It's my disheveled, shabby chic I could probably create without all the time, money, and frustration. I've been doing this forever. I remember in 10th grade, in the height of Rachel Green's envied locks, I too went for the layered look. Except no one ever knew, because I'd always pin it up. Fast forward six years, and after a few weeks of my study abroad sojourn in Prague, I went to a Czech stylist and chopped off my thick tresses. I had the boyish, no-hanging hair look for only that semester, but even (despite compliments on the new look from the most sought after guy in the program) then I wore head bands and scarves to cover it up. The highlights are a relatively new thing--inspired by at the tender age of 27, I have a few of those terrible things: gray hairs. Some peers with premature gray hair (really, I am too young to be 'of age' for grays) are brave enough to let it show. Not me. The blond streaks cover up the gray, and even though sometimes they get wrapped into a bun or ponytail, at least they come through...Maybe I am making progress?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Inner Voice

So, in looking over my last post, I seem angry. Angry at the world for its vehement opposition to crocs. And, angry at those tapered jean affectionados who--for some reason--can't find their way into a pair of boot-legs. Am I really an angry person? I am making a concerted effort not to delete my posts (or even erase as I am typing...although I often can't resist. Even to write this paranthetical phrase, I reached for the "delete" button several times) because this blog is supposed to be an organic flow rather than (oops. went to delete again) a meticulously, perfected document of my life. But, I was surprised with my ability to feel anger. Anger, for me, is not an easy emotion. Guilt, yes. Frustration, check mark. General feelings of being upset, for sure. But I never embraced anger until fairly recently. I've read the pop psych (I actually love pop psych in general, so of course I've read it) that women feel uncomfortable being angry. For my own sample size of one, I'd have to agree. For me, it's two-fold: one, I don't like to harbor any ill will towards anyone, and two--to be totally honest--I usually think things are my fault (if self-anger were a real word, I would have probably included it above). But recently, with the last few years or so, I am beginning to see that I do have anger and I can express it. I still don't like how it sounds or makes me look, but it is a part of my inner voice and I need it. Everyone does.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What's Wrong with Crocs?

Watching a tivoed Bill Maher episode over the weekend echoed a sentiment that I had heard all summer: people hate crocs. And, for a signficant segment of the people I've observed, they hate them for aesthetic reasons. They are ugly with a capital U. Fine, don't like a shoe brand, but are crocs really deserving of the continual visceral reaction they elicit? I've seen people take actual offense when they see someone else sporting this plastic foot covering. I am not here to defend them--I don't know if I'd wear the traditional style, although I do proudly own the Cleo version--but to ask, is this hatred really worth it? This led me to think of other painful and agonizing fashion choices that people have made over the years. The first that came to mind was tapered jeans (they still exist, if you can find them.) Or, to be more general, tapered pants of all shapes and size. Are crocs THAT bad? If you can honestly say yes, then at least I can see how much it pains you. If not, leave crocs alone.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Downward dogging my way into a blog topic

So, now with my first post published, I am effectively a blogger. The next step--after of course doing some preliminary work on the color scheme--is picking a daily topic. With a whole world of topics to choose from, it seems fitting that I'd opt for one most near and dear: yoga. Just last night I went to my regular studio, Tranquil Space, for another challenging but calming flow yoga practice. I think that is what amazes me about yoga: it is physically and mentally demanding but peaceful at the same time. The subtlies of it are endless. Keeping your back a little straighter in downward dog, staying more balanced in tree pose, lifting both feet off the ground in crow for five long breaths. For a yoga jargon free analogy, to just reach down from a standing position and touch your toes with only a slight knee bend. But, at the same time, I hesitate to focus on these measures of yogic improvement, because yoga is more than just getting "better" at flexibility, balance, and strength. It's about acknowledging where you are with your physical, emotional, and spiritual self and being OK with that. Sure, everyone wants to get better at everything, but I think it takes more strength to be comfortable where you are in the here and now.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why Blog?

Why blog? I find myself asking as I write my first post. And, right now, as the blank screen in front of me frightens me, what can I blog about? What thoughts can I introduce--in the witty, thought provoking manner as blog writers aspire to--to the cyberspace world? The blank screen is beginning to fill up, but now I am not sure I like what I am writing and struggle not to delete. I pause and breathe. I blog was a new year's resolution last year and as I find myself in the second half of 2007, time is slipping from me. Because it is a trendy pastime and I am never one to skip on a fad--even if I am a few years late (cases in point: Netflix, facebook). I blog creative juices bubbling in my brain need an outlet, and an e-diary just might scratch that itch. But really, more than anything, it is the desire to bring something in the everyday, real world to the computer. To translate these feelings, these thoughts, these analyses into clever posts that turn on the figurative light bulb in the readers' heads. I may not get there with this post today, but at least this page is filled with words and not blank space, and that makes me happy!