Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why Blog?

Why blog? I find myself asking as I write my first post. And, right now, as the blank screen in front of me frightens me, what can I blog about? What thoughts can I introduce--in the witty, thought provoking manner as blog writers aspire to--to the cyberspace world? The blank screen is beginning to fill up, but now I am not sure I like what I am writing and struggle not to delete. I pause and breathe. I blog was a new year's resolution last year and as I find myself in the second half of 2007, time is slipping from me. Because it is a trendy pastime and I am never one to skip on a fad--even if I am a few years late (cases in point: Netflix, facebook). I blog creative juices bubbling in my brain need an outlet, and an e-diary just might scratch that itch. But really, more than anything, it is the desire to bring something in the everyday, real world to the computer. To translate these feelings, these thoughts, these analyses into clever posts that turn on the figurative light bulb in the readers' heads. I may not get there with this post today, but at least this page is filled with words and not blank space, and that makes me happy!

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