Thursday, September 20, 2007

Honey Bunny

That is the name of the new nail polish I am wearing. I was treated to a manicure last weekend when I was in Chicago. The stylist said it was a fall color--a dark pink shade. Since I got back to DC, I've been surprised with how many compliments I've gotten on it. It is a nice color, but manicures don't seem the most different or edgy thing to do. I was intrigued by this. A small change from my standard unadorned finger tips to a pink varnish had been the talk of the town (ok, slight exaggeration there, but just go along). And the thing was, I felt it too. I caught myself glancing at my nails while I was typing on my keyboard, or jotting down notes, and smiling. I felt different. Sometimes I forget the power of small changes, tiny tweaks. They can be just what you need to see things just a little bit differently. Living in a world seduced by big news and jarring headlines, it's important to keep in mind how much little happenings matter. How changing up your routine just a bit can offer a perspective you didn't even know existed.

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