Monday, October 13, 2008

Introducing Monkeys' Wedding

And now, when the wedding date and venue and other logistics need to be captured, I introduce to you, blog readers, our wedding Web site: The Monkeys' Wedding. Unlike my blog, which chronicles the emotions that fill the day-to-day, this static page will be a one-stop resource for those wanting the facts. Okay, there is a bit of color affixed within the site too, as evidenced by its unusual name (credit duly given to read how a certain agile jungle animal inspired the title, go to the site). As someone with no graphic design background, I enjoyed uploading images, moving text around, and making the site look kinda nice. I don't know when wedding Web sites came into vogue, but now many people I know create an electronic page while they simultaneously pick out paper invitations and firm up the mailing address of their neighborhood friend, a person they may have known for years, but never even bothered to send a letter. The wedding invitation industry, like the magazine and newspaper and to a lesser degree book empires, is realizing that to succeed, it probably needs an electronic option. But print isn't totally outdated...yet. As with any of these traditionally paper-based products, I wonder in 30 years will paper wedding invitations be a thing of the past??? Will Dan and I date ourselves in years to come because we sent snail mail invites?

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