Wednesday, February 18, 2009

25 Things

So, as anyone who has been on Facebook in the last week or so can attest, the "25 random things" lists are running wild, where people scribble down the most interesting, unique, factoids about themselves. The trend is so intense that an article in the Washington Post came out, dismissing this nonsense and calling it a self-absorbed activity. In protest, I ask "What's wrong with a little self-focus every once in a while?" So I've been thinking about my list, and decided that instead of Facebook, I'd post it here (items are in no particular order):

1. I love blogging (obvi). The combination of writing about something that's interesting to me, using electronic technologies, and getting informal feedback on my entries is exhilarating

2. If I had to choose between blistering summer humidity and freezing winter weather, the heat would win every time

3. I spent two years in Japan, sampling all sorts of culinary dishes and now have an undying love for most Asian foods

4. I love words, letters, sentences. I always underestimate the power of the written word.

5. I love packing up my bags and heading out on a foreign adventure. I wish I could travel more

6. Yoga keeps me sane and balanced. My time away because of an injury was incredibly frustrating

7. Humor is my defense mechanism. I joke when I am nervous and upset.

8. I hate confrontation, but usually whenever I have one, it's much better than it seems

9. I am starting to take up biking. Now all I need is a bike.

10. I can be awkward at times (and then make awkward jokes, per #7)

11. My favorite minor splurge is a pedicure where I can sit in a massage chair and let all the cares in the world disappear. I love it! Plus, you can choose bolder nail polish colors for your feet than your hands.

12. I hate olives, but love olive oil.

13. I am marrying someone who does not appreciate fine cheeses. The fact that I was able to accept this *flaw* must mean it's true love

14. I was worried about planning our wedding, but actually I've enjoyed the process a lot more than I thought I would. The details have not consumed me, and my creative juices are flowing.

15. There is no vegetable I don't like. Try me.

16. I love inside jokes, and then trying to explain them to an "outsider" and they look at me like I am crazy. My brother and I have this tonsilitis joke that I have tried to explain Dan so many times and he still doesn't get it!

17. I am extremely emotional.

18. My favorite flower is a bright yellow sunflower. I am convinced sunflowers have an instant "cheer up" quality

19. I have a very hearty laugh, which I love to use. I have been known to fall down to the floor laughing (ask anyone who was at the 2005 pubs dinner in Orlando).

20. Mangoes are my favorite fruit, although I hate when they are underripe. A juicy mango is a real treasure.

21. Yogurt is my favorite food as a whole. I have probably have one a day.

22. I can stroll in bookstores for hours, remembering the good books I've read and getting ideas for future reading endeavors

23. Same with sitting at coffeeshops. I can sit, sip a warm drink, and read a book or the newspaper, play bananagrams, or just talk with a good friend

24. I have an abundance of cardigans. Off the top of my head, I have three gray, two black, two cream, one green...the list could go on

25. Honestly, this was a lot harder than I thought. It took me several days to think about all the random things about myself. Am I not that random?

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