Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So Much to Write, So Little Space

I realize I haven't written in a while, and really, it's because there is so much to say. So many topics to uncover and blog about. It's hard to pick just one. The invitations have been ordered, their quasi modern design (a square invitation, rather than a rectangle...postage is more expensive, but you pay for modernity) being created as I type. The hotel for our guests has been selected, rates negotiated, and contract completed. All we need are some guests now. The new band has been found, listened to, and signed with. The honeymoon plans are on hold until my world traveling fiancee comes back from South Africa, and we can put the frequent flier miles he's amassed toward our Croatian adventure. My veil has arrived, and now I wait anxiously for my dress to come in. I still need shoes, a hair style, and a make-up artist. There's more that's been checked off, and more that's left to do. I find myself feeling a range of emotions: excited, tired, curious, happy. Sometimes I look forward to being finished with the wedding planning process, and sometimes I think I'll miss it. I wonder what I'll do next...what project. And, even as the wedding pieces come together, I still can't imagine what picture they'll produce come actual wedding day.

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