Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thoughts on Valentines

So, I know, I'm a little late. I'm four days behind in writing about the romantic holiday known as Valentines' Day. I was apart from Dan, who is still in South Africa, and traveled to Richmond to spend time with my friend Eileen and her husband (yes, I intruded on their V-day. It was great! They insisted they didn't mind, and I believe them). Until recently, I never liked the holiday. I think because I remember never having a Valentine during most of my awkward teenage years. So even when Dan and I started dating--and I knew I'd have a Valentine--I half-heartedly embraced the holiday. I bought him a card, he gave me flowers, and we'd usually spend the night at the gym or a yoga studio. But recently, I've begun to appreciate the holiday a bit more. Perhaps my adolescent bitterness has mellowed like a fine wine. I like watching men on the metro on February 14th, holding a bouquet of multi-colored flowers in their hands. I like strolling in stationery stores, reading the funny and sentimental cards as I chose which one to buy. The holiday, in aggregate, I enjoy. Watching people take a little time to recognize those important in their lives.

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