Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Hairy Endeavor

This weekend, as I was looking over the glossy pages of bridal magazines, a picture of one bride caught my eye. Her bridal costume was complete with her long, wavy-curly hair, pulled up half-way. Her hair was long, falling down to her shoulder blade. I liked the look. It was sharp and romantic at the same time. I glanced at my own curly locks after that viewing the page for a few moments. Hmmm. I could do this. My hair has never crossed past my shoulders--let alone shoulder blades--and for most of my adult life it's been more at my chin. Every few months I think to let it grow long, but as the thick waviness (re: unruliness)begins to creep toward my back, I get frustrated with managing it and call the hair dresser. But maybe now, I could grow it long! I've heard that once you get past the awkward length somewhere between the shoulder and shoulder blade, long hair is easier to style. So, I will try. Even if I don't go for the half-up cascading look, other brides have told me that longer hair equals more options come wedding day. One thing that will hopefully help me stick to this plan is that, post-wedding, I want to chop it back to chin length and donate my cut hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children who have lost their hair because of illness. I have wanted to participate in Locks of Love since my college days, but for reasons mentioned above, my hair has never reached the 10 inch minimum. Think I can do it?.....


Unknown said...

Gorgeous Elissa!

Do it! I think the whole plan is will look beautiful with long dark hair down past your shoulders in June and then you will be able to give your fantastic, full-bodied curls to kids who will cherish them. Can you imagine if some poor child put in for a wig and ended up with my hectic "rocky road" kinky frizzy hair? I wonder if they can treat the hair so that the child would not get a wig they thought was A-OK and then one day unsuspectingly walked out into the rain or humidity...poof. Anyway, your hair would truly be a gift.


i love the rocky road bumps

Anonymous said...

This is actually in response to your 8/18 entry on Missing Meditation.

If you go to the gym once a week do you expect to be physically fit? Mindfulness does not come from a once a week class. Getting to the cushion at least once a DAY will enable you to be mindful off the cushion. You often write of anxiety about flowers, music, venue, hair, dress, what people will think, etc., etc. that you are experiencing during this year of wedding planning.

If you are committed to this event and all the details it entails and think that mindfulness is a way of dealing with it then get your tush on the cushion every day!!

I recently heard a dharma talk about resistance. Here are some key points:
Most meditators, dating back over 1,500 years, share the common experience of resistance to meditating. The least wise thing you can do is try to figure out why you are resisting. Just accept that resistance will arise, notice it arising and go meditate. We put too much value on our thoughts and on figuring out the whys. Don't believe everything you think! Stop thinking about excuses to not meditate and get yourself to class and carve out a time everyday to do it at home. MIndfulness during your day will follow.

P.S. Throw out the wedding magazines!

Anonymous said...

I've heard about brides that bring in people to do hair and nails in a group setting. Or take the bridal party to a spa for botox treatments and cosmetic surgery. How about a group sit and/or yoga class the day of your wedding.