Monday, December 15, 2008

Piece of (Cup) Cake

Last Tuesday, Dan and I and my friend Hannah went to Hello Cupcake, a trendy cupcake confectionary in Dupont Circle, to sample cupcakes. After splitting six kinds between us, we were completely stuffed with sugary goodness, but had made some progress on what flavors would work for our dessert. (My favorite was a vanilla cake with creamy lemon icing. YUM). But as we tasted and rated cupcakes, Dan and I were also dealing with something not so sweet. Last week was the first time where there was a difference of opinions between various stakeholders in the wedding. It was over the band, whether to go for the original one we'd found once we realized the band would take up more space on the dance floor than we'd envisioned. I'll spare you the details, but I was a little frustrated and sad with the experience. Not because I was really set on one particular band--I was fairly neutral on this issue--but because I hate when people are disappointed. But as the issue is resolving itself--we found another great band--I did some real thinking about the wedding. What I want out of it. And really, what I want more than anything, is the day itself, and the planning preceding it, to be as enjoyable, conflict-free, and relaxed as possible. But that may not always happen. And when stressors arise and people disagree, I want to realize it's okay, that these things will slowly, gradually work themselves out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learning to resolve conflicts in the planning of a wedding should lay the framework for resolving conflicts in the future.