Sunday, December 7, 2008

Six Months Away

As I was watching Sunday afternoon football with friends, someone pointed out to me that our wedding is six months away. June 7. It's hard to believe that a warm, late spring wedding is on the way, considering Washington is blanketed with winterness--biting winds and cold nights. But before you know it, the spring, and our wedding day, will arrive. We're a season away from getting hitched. We've been engaged for seven months, and with six months to go, we're past the halfway point. When I realized I only had six months to get everything into gear, I momentarily panicked. But then I remembered that I had checked off all the items included in the 6-9 prenuptial period, according to a checklist which I ripped out of a bridal magazine and taped to our fridge door. So I calmed down. As we walked home from our friends' place, Dan reassured me with promises of building more spreadsheets so we could organize exactly what we needed to do.  I laughed. Anyway who knows Dan's affinity for Microsoft Excel and any other organizational tools would chuckle too. But then, as we continued our walk in the bitter cold, I started thinking a bit bigger: in six months, I'll be a wife. I'll have a husband. It's pretty amazing. 

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