Sunday, November 30, 2008

Scary Hair

The last hair cut I had was about three months ago, the day of our engagement party. But it was only a trimming of my split ends. And my last visit before then had also been a few months. It was an effort to grow my hair long so come wedding day, it would fall in cascading soft curls down my upper back. Yeah, I don't see that happening. Right now, my hair is a few inches past my shoulders. In my standards, that's really long. And it doesn't go straight down the more it grows. It grows out. I manage my mane with products, potions, and pony tail holders to reduce the frizzing--to some avail. But with Christmas coming up, I am worried that my hair is starting to resemble a wintery pine tree. (I can hear you readers thinking two things to yourself right now: that I'm judging myself too harshly and I don't even celebrate Christmas. Both are true, but not the point). So, I given up the idea of long, romantic locks in favor of, well, something shorter. I don't have too many more details at this point, although I may confer with my hair dresser when I go for my appointment in the next few weeks. I'm also coming to terms right now that I may just never be a long-haired gal. And you know what--I am making my peace with that.


Anonymous said...

"I can hear you readers thinking two things to yourself right now: that I'm judging myself too harshly and I don't even celebrate Christmas."

I'm also thinking that you focus quite a bit on superficiality. One of your previous posts was "Beauty's only skin deep" and yet we hear about hair lenghth and hair texture and what your skin will look like 7 months from now. And then there's flower colors and 50 ways to design a save the date card. Where is all this coming from? Hollywood, bridal magazines, attending too many weddings of 20 something year olds, the wedding industry run amuck?? When you are quiet and still and in touch with your mindful, inner wisdom is this what you find planning a marriage really entails?

Daniel said...

Hmmmm, I don't agree. To me being a mindful bride means recognizing every aspect of a wedding both "superficial" and non-superficial. There are postings about flowers, hair, and wedding dresses but just as many about yoga, happiness, daily duldrum, and twenties angst. To ignore either part of the story would be irresponsible. I, for one, am happy that a complete picture is presented instead of a half baked, preachy perspective of life.

Daniel said...

Congrats on receiving over a million hits on your blog! Hope the next million happen even faster.

Kelly said...

I think about hair and I'm not even getting married!!

But, seriously, I think that minutiae (i.e. flower colors, hair, invitations) are fodder for mindfulness. How could one be mindful in a stress- and distraction-free world? There'd be no need.

Your prespective in these matters is what sets you apart--your blog isn't about hair and beauty, but rather how those things are part of a much larger picture. I, for one, applaud your open-ness; not many people would be able to share so much in a public setting. We are all learning about ourselves as you share your stories (which is a sign of your writing talent!).

Most importantly, not for one minute do we forget that you are writing about love...and how you, Dan, and your family/friends will celebrate it :) Keep up the awesome work! I love reading.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the blog because it is whimsical, a little dramatic, and fun to read. But there is also generally a point made greater than the details of the topic at hand. Like the scary hair....what it said to me is that we(women of any age) can accept and embrace ourselves even when there is a tendancy to analyze and find fault. I love that message. Though the entries don't need a message either. I keep hearing the tune, Girls, they just want to have fun.

Anonymous said...

Elis, I've just recently had several conversations with just-married and soon-to-be-married friends about the long hair trend for brides (one even said that she didn't really like having long hair, she had just always pictured herself with long hair on her wedding day and that's why she grew it out) and I think it's wicked awesome you are going your own way. My personal favorite of your hairstyles was the wicked short Prague chop of 2001. Bring it back! Bring it back! As for the proportion of 'superficial' posts to 'meaningful' posts on this blog -- you are making a truthful record of what this process is like for you (and Dan, and your friends and families) and as such I think that it's important you write about the micro-decisions (like hair and colors) just as much as about the big stuff (What Does It All Mean, etc). And the relative proportions of those things will vary throughout the process. What I think is cool is that you are using this blog to focus on mindfulness in all of those choices and moments, that's rad.

Anonymous said...

By not having much hair, I think I can be objective. hf needs to chill, this blog is all about having fun before the wedding and blowing off some steam.. We all know that this wedding is about celebrating Elissa's and Dan's entry into matrimony. It's not about a show of wealth or succumbing to the marketing scheme's of the wedding industry.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Perhaps I need to take a course in blog ettiquette. I thought blogs were a forum that invited comments from all POVs.

I am a loyal fan of your blog and of you. Please let me know if you would prefer if I did not post any controversial, challenging comments. I think "Scary Hair" got the most comments of any of your posts and produced a lively and interestng debate among other loyal followers.

Looks like Big Brother (is watching over you) has assumed the role of censor.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that you are having fun with all aspects of the wedding planning and decision making - that's how I think it should be. It's like going on vacation - half the fun is getting ready for the vacation or event and deciding what to take and not take. Your blog is a wonderful insight into your thoughts and yours and Daniels' wedding plans. So even though we are far away in miles we feel part of your lives - its wonderful - don't stop.