Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time, Time, and More Time

Planning a wedding takes time. Sure, you're thinking, way to overstate the obvious. But it REALLY does. The last few weeks especially have been dominated by securing the cupcake vendor, refining our wedding Web site, and figuring out the invitations. In conversations with family, friends, colleagues, people I randomly meet on the street or in the doctor's office, the wedding comes up. Sometimes it's exhausting to always be thinking about the event. To always have something to do for it. With the wedding beginning to dominate my life, I find it more important to enjoy the process. Relish tasting the red velvet cupcakes topped with a decadent cream cheese icing. Smile as I work on, writing up the narratives of our attendants and posting pictures. Feel the sense of satisfaction when I can check something off the to-do list. But I know I can't ONLY think about the wedding. That will drive me insane. In the coldness of winter, I find going to the gym and walking briskly on the treadmill, while watching the news or a light sitcom, really invigorating. Or going to a gentle yoga class, where I can stretch my body and try to forget about the world around me. Forget about the checklists, the flowers, the wedding food, and just be.

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