Friday, January 30, 2009

The End of the Blog? Or Not?

So, even though my wedding is more than four months away, I've already started thinking about the life of this blog post-marriage. I won't be a mindful bride anymore. I won't be looking over invitation fonts and deciding what to do with my hair (my latest concern...thoughts?). Could the blog keep going as it is, should it be stopped, or can I transform it somehow? Thinking about the end of mindfulbride then got me thinking about the end of wedding planning! My initial thought is relief--I'll be married, the process will be over, I'll have SO MUCH more free time! But of course there is the feeling of sadness too, that the wedding and all of its associated excitement is over. I remember when I ran the 10-mile cherry blossom race a few years back. I trained, I mapped out my training schedule on an excel spreadsheet (Ok, fine, Dan did that, complete with color codes), I went to bed early before my runs, I loaded on carbs and hydrated like crazy. When I ran the race, it was awesome! It was a perfect spring day, and I was pumped on adrenaline. Dan, who hadn't really been training, decided to accompany me at the last minute. It was an incredible, incredible time. But then it was over, and I wasn't sure what to do. I don't even remember if I did anything in particular to get out of my post-race phase; getting used to life post-race must have happened so gradually and gracefully I didn't even notice it.

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