Friday, July 18, 2008

There is an "I" in Marriage

Marriage, or any long-term relationship, involves two people. And throughout that relationship, they share, compromise, argue, agree, and form some sort of union. Although being part of a team is really important, it's not enough. To have a mindful marriage you should be strong all on your own. That means having interests outside the other person, managing if he or she is away for a long work trip, and sometimes meeting up with friends on a Friday night instead of staying in with your spouse. (Or, in Dan's case, playing poker with the guys while I catch up on Grey's Anatomy). It's hard. When you spend a lot of time with someone, you can miss them easily, even if they're gone for just a few days. But instead of wishing them back quickly, take some time to acknowledge your feelings--missing people can be a sweet thing too--and take advantage of some alone time. Being a piece of a couple is a great feeling. But so is being yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so very true for a relationship! It's great that you are aware of these things, very mindful, going into a marriage. I really enjoy the blog.