Monday, August 4, 2008

Enjoying the Ride

Yesterday morning over spinach omelets and Belgian waffles, Dan's cousin asked me if I was enjoying planning the wedding. I paused a second. To be honest, I don't love event planning. While some people thrive on putting all the pieces of a party together, all these pieces sometimes overwhelm me. Also, my discerning powers aren't fabulous. For example, last week when I was trying on wedding dresses, I loved almost every one. But, as weird as this may sound, I am learning to enjoy the ride. I am learning to focus on one element--like the dress--at a time, but still keep the larger picture in perspective. This process has taught me a lot about myself--how even though the process can be hard, watching it come together can have the same feeling as cooking a meal, only this meal is slightly more expensive and takes about a year longer to make. Like a meal, a wedding is the adding of flavors and spices, the stirring, the heating and cooling, and then the sense of accomplishment when your plate is all dished up. Planning a wedding has opened my world, literally--I am now an active member in the blogosphere. I've also seen some negative sides of me poke sometimes I stress too much about things beyond my control, or in other instances how I acquiesce too easily before considering all options. Good and bad, I'll take them all, as I keep discovering what a ride wedding planning will be.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Shout out to Nikki!