Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Missing Meditation

So I didn't go to my standing meditation class last night. I had no reason, other than a general mixture of laziness and grumpiness. Call it the Monday blues. Sunday night I found myself in bed too late (11:45 PM). My alarm sounded not too long after that--6:20 AM--so I could get up for my early physical therapy before work. By the end of the day (which included a frustrating experience of leaving my wallet at home. I only realized this fact while trying to buy groceries at Trader Joe's for dinner last night) I was a bit tired and grumpy and not up for a meditation class. The prospect of silent sitting seemed more daunting than usual. But now I'm not sure why. Maybe I wanted to distract myself from my feelings of frustration, rather than acknowledging them and try to move on. Maybe I felt I would be more productive at home, playing with my blog, balancing my checkbook, and going to Whole Foods (this time with my wallet.) to buy ravioli for dinner. Whatever the reason, I didn't go....And today, I miss it. I miss that time to myself, to try to relax my wandering, meandering mind. To focus on nothing but my breathing. Recognizing my thoughts and slowly letting them go. So, I am going to try to meditate on my own this week...something I've never done before...

1 comment:

Drikung Kagyu Media said...

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