Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Writer's Block

So I have a case of writer's block. I've entertained a few blog post ideas, but I keep deleting, or saving the drafts for future use. It's the 21 century equivalent of crumpling up scribbled white paper and throwing the balls into the trash can. Writer's block is frustrating. I deal with it at work sometimes, also, as I sit at my desk thinking of how to put together stories. Only now, with this blog, I have to think of ideas and then write them, where usually at work at least the ideas are laid out. Sometimes, an event I went through or a conversation I had or just a random thought I had out of nowhere turns into a blog entry. But sometimes nothing comes. Or when some idea does appear, I start writing, but realize that these words are not really describing what I'm trying to say. And so I delete and look at an intimidating blank screen. I'm realizing that blogging can be hard work. I could just not write, I do have that option. But I have become a bit attached to my cyber diary. And when the ideas spark, when words come together, and blog entry begins to resemble my thoughts inside, it's an exciting feeling. But drawing a blank will be part of the process too. And tonight, I am not sure what I want to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read an article that I think you'll find interesting and useful (think it was in the New Yorker) about the creative process. It described how periods where you can't make any progress in your work are acuatually an important part of the creative process and serves a purpose in finding solutions to scientific research, moving writers through their blocks, etc.

Will send it to you. Shabbat Shalom, H