Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some of My Favorite Things

Inspired by my coffee date entry, I have been thinking some more of my favorite small pleasures. Here they go, in no particular rational order: browsing through bookstores; soy lattes; The Sound of Music and other familar old movies that you can recite all the words; marathon phone conversations with out-of-town friends; sunflowers; the smell of freshly cut grass; vanilla fudge; nutella; old photo albums; summertime pedicures with cute sandals; Ugg boots in the winter; Tivo-ed Jeopardy; stir-fry tofu dinners; finishing a good book; a glass of water after a long run; yoga class; wearing a new shirt or pair of shoes to work; three-day weekends; a funny joke; a Redskins win; flossing my teeth before bedtime; libraries; sudoku; crossword puzzles; the Sunday paper; back rubs; Greek yogurt; sushi; wandering through Whole Foods; visiting family and friends; laughing until it hurts; leaves changing; flowers blooming; cloudless skies and 75 degree heat, with no humidity...These are some of mine. Agree, disagree? Add your own!!!


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, wandering through Whole Foods (or any other gourmet food store) is a special date for me and David. We look forward to that. We are such kindred souls...

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are flossing your teeth and smelling the newly cut grass.


Anonymous said...

Since reading the Sunday paper is one of your favorite things, make sure to check out this article from today's NYT.

Anonymous said...

Wandering through Whole Foods is one of my favourites too...but even better is tasting all the food that they set out on a Saturday morning, walking through Costco is pretty good too...although I call Costco ...visual overload!...what about sweating after a hot yoga class or going for a long run and then enjoying a Starbucks coffee....but sometimes just getting a huge hug and kiss from Ash and Justin is the best!



im glad i saw redskins win. i was worried it wasnt going to be there.

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