Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Time to Learn and Grow

As I sat on the deck of a New Hampshire lake house this weekend, listening to the lapping waters and feeling the warm sun beat down on me, I came across a unique challenge in the Ode magazine issue I was reading: write a six-word memoir. (See here for other people's short phrases. They are really amazing).I was intrigued. As a self-claimed rambler, a chance to explain my live in a mere six words seemed impossible, but I decided to try. And on the plane home, I was thinking of ways to chronicle my experiences in these strict parameters. My own winner is A Time to Learn and Grow, as indicated up above, but my drafts ranged from the geographic--From Prague to Japan to Home--to the yogic--Downward Dog, Sun Salutations, Triangle, Resting. And then there were variations on my winner--A Learning Experience, More than Anything. And of course, the wedding related: Finding a love, planning a life. It's a fun exercise, and gets you thinking about what's really important...and then how to condense these thoughts into six words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elissa,
I just gave Grandma a lesson on how to get on your blog.Helene

I'm in the midst of a "blog lesson". Helene is my patient teacher. love, grandma