On Monday, I was shopping at Trader Joe's during a lunch break. The flowers at the front of their store caught my attention, particularly the cheerful yellow petaled sunflowers. I bought a bunch of five, and put them in a glass vase right next to my computer. I was dealing with a major work deadline this week (the reason why I haven't posted a blog entry since Tuesday!), and whenever I needed a minute break from the article I was researching, I would stop and just put my nose to the flowers, taking a big sniff. (No, this post is not going to be about taking time to smell flowers, just wait!). It got me thinking about one of my next, more minor wedding chores: flower planning. Now that some of the big things are out of the way, I can turn my attention to the more detailed things. Details stress me, as my few other posts have discussed. The devil is in the details, people say. I think they stress me because while you can see a venue, taste the food, wear a dress, but you can't really imagine what one different decor detail will change about the overall ambiance of a wedding. But, inspired my sunflower purchase, I jumped online to look at a flower vendor a friend had used. Immediately, flowers got fun. Different bouquets, different colors, and the environmentally friend, female-owned shop even offered classes on how to design flower centerpieces. Sign me up! But not quite yet...I'm still enjoying my office sunflowers.